The Zermatterhof - since 1879 a guarantee for quality, guest-friendliness, a sense of tradition and just a little bit of chichi. The hotel managed by Raphael Biner was named Hotel of the Year in 2021 by the renowned Karl Wild Hotelranking. And rightly so, in our opinion. We were allowed to plan and implement the communication before and after the official award ceremony in various channels. It was a great honour for us.

The Zermatterhof is Hotel of the Year. We talk about it.

Before the official award ceremony, the winner was of course not allowed to be named. The communication was meant to arouse curiosity. With several hints, attention was drawn to the hotel without giving too much away. Fortunately, the Zermatterhof has some USP's that only the connoisseur and friend of the house can clearly assign. And if someone did find out, booking in advance was doubly worthwhile.

In addition to an extensive Google Ads campaign, the customised website "" went live. With some unbeatable offers, existing and new guests were successfully generated at the Zermatterhof. An important sign in difficult tourism times. In particular, regional and national guests were successfully reached and encouraged to benefit from the unique offers.

By the way, the Zermatterhof was not only awarded Hotel of the Year. The hotel also hosts the Chef of the Year and the Sommelier of the Year 2020. This was integrated with accompanying communication measures. Last but not least, the imagery was captured by our photographer and portraits were taken of the award winners.