It was extremely important to us to communicate this unique and beautiful project. As a valued customer and friend, Alain Guntern was an essential person for us when it comes to progress, innovation and health. What Alain has achieved with his striving for new possibilities can be seen in his company and the numerous commitments he has carried through. According to the motto: «Michi, you should do some new again», we take him as a role model and thank him for the unique projects and experiences with him and his team.

«On the trail of health»
Dr. pharm. Alain Guntern

Since the City Apotheke should always stand as a center for health and not as a «dusty pharmacy», it was important to present the exceptional location as well as the proximity to the township. To do this, we combined the familiar pharmacy cross with the shape of the Stockalper towers. We developed the entire corporate design from this logo and created the labeling and neon advertising.

Part of the corporate design was also the new packaging and adaptations for vouchers, information cards or the shoot for employees and the pharmacy. Another idea was the program «on the trail of health». A street poll on health. This is just one of the examples that Alain and his team have left in the region.