We are good Boys
Always working hard

Ulrich Imboden AG is one of the largest construction companies in Upper Wallis. With over 420 employees in three locations, countless constructions are carried out every year. We at Schnydaer Kreativagentur are proud to support Ulrich Imboden AG in digital areas with a focus on social media.

Schnuggeli - an employee of Ulrich Imboden AG, who happens to be an unrecognized entertainer. Originally planned as a small gag, Schnuggeli TV has blossomed into a local social media hit. Thousands of clicks week after week testify to the class of the little Italian with a Loetschentaler accent. Schnuggeli even reached the French part of the canton. We do not know whether the dialect is understood.

Together they developed a social media concept and continuously created new videos, photos and content for Facebook and Instagram. Already in the first month they cracked 1000 followers. Another proof that simple and honest dialogues are well received. Enjoyment of work and the passion to build something together - we say thanks for this great experience.

«Schnydaer - one of the most creative, surprising, and convincing in the Swiss communications industry. The team is comprehensive, bursts with clever ideas and is extremely professional in the work.»

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